What To Do After Ketamine Infusion

Did you know that 21 million American adults suffer from major depression annually, accounting for over 8% of all mental illnesses? Major depression affects 3.7 million youth or 15% of the youth between the ages of 12 and 17. So are you considering or have recently undergone a ketamine infusion treatment? After a ketamine treatment, it’s crucial to follow up with proper care to support your mental health. In this blog, we’ll discuss practical steps for post-infusion care, ensuring you get the most from your treatment and continue on the path to recovery.

1. Rest and Recovery

Rest and recuperation are essential following ketamine therapy. Take it easy and give yourself time to fully recuperate physically and mentally. Engage in calming activities like meditation or spending time outdoors. Prioritize self-care by staying hydrated, eating well, and getting enough sleep. Do what brings you joy and peace.

2. Self-Care Practices

It’s essential for your health to take care of yourself after receiving a ketamine infusion. Listen to your body’s needs for rest, good food, and gentle exercise. Practice mindfulness with activities like meditation or deep breathing. Do things you enjoy, like being in nature or spending time with loved ones. Make self-care a regular part of your routine for ongoing support and healing.

3. Continuing Therapy

Therapy is still necessary for progress and readjusting to daily life following ketamine treatment. Whether individual or group therapy, finding the right approach is vital. Regular sessions help process emotions and develop coping strategies. Communicate openly with your therapist and be patient with the process for lasting benefits.

4. Lifestyle Changes

Modifications in lifestyle following a ketamine infusion can improve mental well-being. Regular exercise like yoga or jogging improves mood and reduces stress. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Try mindfulness practices for relaxation. Set boundaries at work and prioritize self-care activities for balance and well-being.

5. Building a Support Network

Modifications in lifestyle can improve mental health following ketamine therapy. Regular exercise like yoga or jogging enhances mood and reduces stress. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Try mindfulness practices for relaxation. Set boundaries at work and prioritize self-care activities for balance and well-being.

6. Monitoring Progress

Monitor your mental and emotional state following a ketamine infusion. Notice any changes in mood, thoughts, or behaviors. Journaling can help identify patterns and improvements over time. Stay in touch with your treatment team and share how you’re feeling. Be patient with yourself as you monitor progress post-infusion.


As you journey through life post-ketamine treatment, remember that healing takes time. Embrace this process with patience and kindness toward yourself. Prioritize rest, self-care, therapy, lifestyle changes, supportive relationships, and tracking your progress. These steps are proactive measures for your well-being. Believe in the treatment and your capacity to move forward positively. Your mental health is important – continue to nurture it with the care it deserves. And if you’re seeking support along this journey, consider exploring Mindfield Wellness for compassionate guidance and innovative therapies.


1. What should I do after a ketamine treatment?

After a ketamine infusion, prioritize rest, self-care, therapy, lifestyle changes, supportive relationships, and tracking your progress.

2. How can I support my mental health post-ketamine therapy?

Engage in calming activities, practice self-care, continue therapy, make lifestyle changes, build a support network, and monitor your progress.

3. What lifestyle changes can improve my mental well-being?

Regular exercise, a balanced diet, mindfulness practices, setting boundaries, and prioritizing self-care activities can enhance mental health.

4. Why is therapy still necessary after a ketamine infusion?

Therapy helps process emotions, develop coping strategies, and readjust to daily life post-infusion for lasting benefits.

5. How do I monitor my progress after a ketamine treatment?

Notice changes in mood, thoughts, or behaviors, journal regularly, stay in touch with your treatment team, and be patient with yourself.

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Edward Bates


Ed Bates has enjoyed a thriving career in the arts & entertainment industry as a producer, writer, director, film distributor and educator.

In 2020, at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, Bates started a medical company, The Safe Set. The Safe Set designed and operated contact tracing programs for Netflix and Buzzfeed, and ran production mitigation programs and testing strategies for many other entertainment companies, allowing scores of film industry professionals to safely return to work.

When Covid vaccines became available at the end of 2020, Bates immediately devoted The Safe Set to vaccinations: The Safe Set vaccinated thousands of school children and underserved adults in Los Angeles County. For months, Bates’ company vaccinated the students and their families in L.A. Unified School District, Santa Monica & Malibu School Districts, numerous independent schools and operated his own vaccination clinic in South Los Angeles.

Bates has been interested for many years in the growing proof that psychedelic medicines show significant success in treating mental illness when combined with therapy. During 2020, a friend of Bates’ had become deeply depressed and had not been helped by any other therapies and that he had slipped into a hopeless state of suicidality. Bates was profoundly relieved when one day his friend called with an entirely new outlook and attitude of positivity towards his life: his friend told him that a series of ketamine infusions, along with therapy, had led to this miraculous change. That day, Bates’ journey to understanding the power of psychedelics to help patients with mental illness began, along with his mission to bring this powerful treatment to patients in need.